Name: anon
Birthplace: The Internet
Status: Away Forever
How I'm Feeling:
Blindness by Metric
Away message:
I've decided to unplug from the Matrix.
The Matrix being the social grid of expectations, social conventions, and outdated models of thinking
that are held in place by our constant presence in each other's lives.
Sometimes you just need to get out of the fishbowl. Only these days instead of meaning getting out of a small town, this can mean getting out of the sphere of thoughts we're immersed in every day. Our minds are kept on a tight leash. Our train of thought is tethered to our newsfeeds on twitter and facebook, and we're on call to the whole world 24/7 by phone, text, email, and a growing number of social websites and apps. This is especially alarming when you learn how people are more easily controlled in groups because of groupthink.
Groupthink is most simply described as the peer pressure to conform to a group's ideals. When people form a bond, it is always within a context. People form bonds over commonly held ideas, and then those ideas bond them only as long as they are not called into question. For if they are called into question, the community founded on the ideas will come into question as well and that sense of belonging will be lost and the community will unravel. So all too often we are unwilling to call those ideas into question, and instead allow them to continue to guide our thoughts and actions.
Have you ever forgotten what you were talking about after walking from one room to another, and remember it only when you walk back to the room you first had the thought? This shows just how influenced we are by our surroundings. But much more significant than our inanimate surroundings is who is present. Then, whatever you think they think is acceptable behavior (for you, specifically) subconsciously pressures you to fall within those limits. Known of in psychology as behavioral confirmation, this is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy where social expectations lead people to act in ways that cause others to confirm the expectation. In fact, any gathering is basically a product of it's setting, who is there, what they think of each other, and their common interest or reason for gathering. And as I mentioned before, the common bond will almost always go unquestioned, even if everyone secretly questions it. (This unfortunately makes it extremely difficult to question ideas that a whole country, or whole civilization was founded on, such as individualism or money.)
These findings suggest that human beings, who are the targets of many perceivers in everyday life, may routinely act in ways which are consistent not with their own attitudes, beliefs, or feelings; but rather with the perceptions and stereotypes which others hold of them and their attributes. This seems to suggest that the power of other's beliefs over our behaviors is extremely strong. Which is especially alarming when you consider how our increasingly invasive surveillance state will only exacerbate this phenomena as it expands it's field of view.
Someone once described a time a man held a door open for her when she was just walking past, so she walked through the door and down the hall just to be polite, even though she actually needed to go a different way. I think this situation is a great representation of groupthink. Especially in terms of my own relationships with friends and family. People think I was raised very well, I say please and thank you, I'm well spoken, and overall I'm quite polite. But isn't this politeness what made her walk through that door? Being polite isn't all it's cracked up to be. What it really means is I was raised to be obedient. Which means every invitation and every expectation becomes that door, and all I'm ever doing is walking down whatever hall I'm expected to walk down. Yet, this allows very little room for questioning what we do, or why we do it, because we're always kept busy, politely going through doors and down halls. And it's such a boring way to live it can actually feel like you're literally trapped in a virtual world, which is why The Matrix resonated with me so strongly as a kid.
But after learning about the nature of our group psychology, I have become increasingly aware of the ways it plays into every relationship and every conversation. It's as if each combination of people is a different stage for a different play, and the group agenda is a script that continues to play out from where it left off whenever that same combination of people is brought together in the same context. And the most frustrating thing is how weak I am at changing that script.
Growing up, we inherit a lot of baggage from the world through our family, culture, public schooling, and media. A lot that deserves to be questioned, considering the current way of thinking and doing has us on the path to extinction. So I'm really trying to detox my mind from all these influences, right now. I want to be able to go days on end, free from being sucked back into any old conversations. Days on end to meditate on the present and process the past without any expectations of me to make any plans or decisions for the future. I don't want to be consistently drawn into the day to day rapid-fire expectations of answering everyone's calls, attending everyone's birthday's, choosing which group of people to be with for each holiday, and remembering to write everyone thank you cards. I need a break from all the expectations - I'm not meeting them anyways. After all, these pointless social conventions and attachments that keep us caught up in groupthink are exactly what's keeping us running in circles, distracted from the task at hand, and keeping us from coming to the realization that we must change absolutely everything if we're going to stop working for this hypnotizing military-political-pharmacuetical-agricultural-industrial complex and do what we have to do to bring this world into the light before we're lulled back to sleep by a technological dark ages(video).
My vision for myself right now is a simple one. Meditate a lot. Try to do yoga everyday. Keep finding food by dumpstering and groundscoring while learning more about foraging and getting more and more food from foraging and gardening. Learn to love myself. Hitchhike around. Handwash my laundary. Laugh more, and get into a good enough headspace that I always feel like dancing. Write songs and poems and sing them on the street. Learn to take care of my own health without pharmaceuticals and surgery. Walk everywhere with everything on my back because I never know where I'm going to lay my head the next day. Try to figure out how to do everything without money. And help build the underground railroad that can make a moneyless world more accessible.
But the truth is, I've been doing everything but that. I am too attached to all the people in my life. I'm too attached to the roles we've defined for each other before I began to wake up from this groupthink reality, so that being around those same people seems to magically draw me back into old patterns of thinking, and old social roles and habits. Just as a man who forgets his native toungue because he only spoke it very young might suddenly become quite fluent on a trip back to his old country.
Tuning into Anonymous, you learn that Anonymous has many faces. You learn that everyone has some pieces to the puzzle, yet no one has them all. No one can be blindly followed or believed no matter how good their intentions. Everyone has an equal voice and it hurts everyone when any one of our voices is silenced. In this sea of chaos, overloaded with information, we can only trust what we know to be true in our hearts, and do what we feel to be right. We must learn to lead ourselves, educate ourselves, and allow only our own interpretation of our observations lead us. In this pursuit, we must utilize every word, every thought, every coincidence as a chance to gain some insight into something. We don't discount or accept anything in it's entierity, taking only what we can use from what we see and understand, and leaving the rest.
In doing this I've found some powerful suggestions from every religion, every crazy person I talk to or overhear, every coincidence between what I'm thinking and what is going on around me. And one place I've gained some insight about groupthink is looking into the Alcoholics Anonymous branch of Anonymous. In the difficult journey to overcoming addiction, they say "principles before personalities" - reminding people that it's better to choose your company based on those with the same principles rather than getting attached to people's personalities and continuously getting sucked back into old habits. They also suggest staying single until you've been sober for a year, to keep your head clear. Well I feel like I have an addiction. I've gone years before without using money. I've gone years without foodstamps. But now I've been rewarded both, and offered even more, and I'm not even spending it wisely. Having found ways to do everything without money, it seems almost worthless, so I end up spending it however the people around me want to spend it. In their value system I'm being kind, but I've undeniably been sucked back into old habits. If they were of the same principles as me, we would encourage each other to burn it, or save it to spend super wisely on something that helps permanently decrease our dependence on money.
Unfortunately, it seems leaving behind all my old programmed ideas means leaving behind all the people who tie me to those ideas. And even if those people have gotten over the ideas themselves, their presence is hypnotizing me back into those old ideas anyways, because that's how my mind works, and perhaps I'm having the same affect on them, too. I'm sure it's a similarly traumatic process as escaping captivity in North Korea, leaving your family to find out what lies outside the mind prison. But as long as I keep coming back, too reluctant to leave the people I love, and too afraid to go do what needs doing, I am allowing my mind to be drawn back in over and over. And every time I feel like I'm at risk of giving in and accepting it as reality again. I got dangerously close, last time. So I'm really going to leave everything behind for a little while. This way I think I'll finally be more able to focus on getting my mind grounded again, and get some projects rolling that I keep never getting to. I'll stop lamenting about how divided my friends and lovers are, and I'll just focus on what needs to be done. I'll stop holding onto the constant guilt of not being of more help to those I know who are down and out, injured, addicted, depressed, ignorant, lost... I'll stop spending so much psychic energy trying to hold onto tenuous connections and the cognitive tension of trying to connect despite our differing worldviews and inversed relations with reality. I'll finally get in touch with myself.
This is also an exit from the drama of our individual identities according to old world values. I've seen too much infighting, too many disputes over petty social shit, too many distractions. People seem easily divided over nothing when we're supposed to be united as One, divided by ZERO. People fall in love and communities are torn apart by jealousy. One misunderstanding, and people worry about their reputation catching up to them and escape back indoors. People try to guilt each other into staying together instead of encouraging each other to go and do whatever makes us come alive and helps us transition to the new world. So I'm no longer interested in petty drama, and obligatory relations based on past significance. I want to work on changing this world, and I want real comrades, not "lovers" or "friends". Encouragment, empowerment, enthusiasm, risk-taking, and new ideas, not discouragement, guilt, paranoia, victimization, savior complexes, pleasure-seeking, or even comfort-seeking.
Striking out, I won't be all alone, of course. There are always strangers along the way. Which is especially great, because it seems the groupthink of two homeless strangers coming together is exactly the groupthink everyone should strive for. It is the closest to a blank slate of a groupthink you can have, because no two people ended up homeless the same way, or even conceptualize it the same way, but they are all bonded by the common struggle of surviving against the elements. This means that homeless people are mostly humble, and often spiritual. Pragmatic, grateful, forgiving, all complete with revolutionary undertones. Not everyone, of course, but most. It's a perspective where you have a visceral understanding of how messed up the system is, and your only purpose is to survive and help your fellow man survive despite it all because what goes around comes around.
I will no longer be logging into old email accounts or facebook. But I will still have an email I can be reached at.
If you still want to stay in touch, not because you like my face, but because you want
to help create a world with room for everyone where we no longer need to compete for
money handed down by elites to survive, then please watch the following videos before emailing me:
See you through the looking glass!
Spiritual Revolution by Riann Wilson
#eTHErSEC #opEPOCH by Anonymous
You are part of Everything from Powder the Movie
The Holographic Universe
Awaken from the Matrix
The Wayseer Manifesto!!!
"Don't ask what you can do. Ask what makes you come alive. Because
what the world needs now is people who have come alive."
"I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin—we must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered.
A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our past and present policies. On the one hand, we are called to play the Good Samaritan on life’s roadside, but that will be only an initial act. One day we must come to see that the whole Jericho road must be transformed so that men and women will not be constantly beaten and robbed as they make their journey on life’s highway. True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.
A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth with righteous indignation. It will look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the countries, and say, "This is not just." It will look at our alliance with the landed gentry of South America and say, "This is not just." The Western arrogance of feeling that it has everything to teach others and nothing to learn from them is not just.
A true revolution of values will lay a hand on the world order and say of war, "This way of settling differences is not just." This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation’s homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into the veins of peoples normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love. A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.
America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, can well lead the way in this revolution of values. There is nothing, except a tragic death wish, to prevent us from reordering our priorities, so that the pursuit of peace will take precedence over the pursuit of war."
M.L.K. Jr.
"Without having realized it, I've been a sleeper cell all along.
From where? Who knows. Was it the mushroom gods conspiring to fool
all of life's creation to live in harmony so that the mushroom would
never die out? Was it the Pleiadians, sent down in human form to enlighten
humanity? Is it just as the Hopi Prophecy predicted, that the tribes would
return in the form of one unified tribe of Rainbow Warriors?
Is it the predictable rise of barbarism at the turning of civilizations?
Or was it Anonymous, planting seeds in my mind my whole life, plotting
and planning where and when to awaken and use me in whatever way is best
so that I might play a part in the Grand Conspiracy to Unite Humanity?"
"All of the above?"
This is an amazing playlist introducing Anonymous Consciousness:
Show this to everyone, flyer it, sticker it, graffiti it, spam it, write it on money, this shit's awesome!
Recently reached over 13,000 views!!! This explains in detail how we could transition from a greedy money-driven world to a world of abundance, both materially and spiritually.
To check out the Distribution Manifesto, click here.
Openbook is an Anonymous Hive Mind Social Network meant to free people from their individual identities. It is a way to keep the positive aspects of crowd-sourced communications platforms like Facebook without having to have everything we say and do tied to our real world identity. This way we can speak freely and honestly and no resentment or division can build since we all speak as One.
Find it on github, ----------here.
Read the default About page, ----------here.
Openbook is Opensource Software that anyone can use to build what I like to call a "p0rtal". As in, a p0rtal to a new age, a new perspective, and a rediscovery of what it means to be human - a.k.a. HUMANE. Whereas speaking in person, or through identity-driven communications platforms such as Facebook, can draw us back into old world thinking patterns, and immerse us back in the Matrix of our outdated social programming, Openbook strips us of the social program and acknowledges our inherent interconnectedness by refusing to acknowledge individual identities.
Since Openbook is opensource, anyone can start a p0rtal. It might be edited to look different, or say different things at the top, but they all pretty much work the same. They are all connected in the spirit of selfless communication. And because they all allow anyone and everyone to participate, without even having to sign up, they are all essentially the same p0rtal. One larger interconnected network, a hive mind of hive minds, that we call #thep0rtals. We even ask that anyone who opens a p0rtal to link to many other p0rtals at the top of the page, so no one is misled to believe one p0rtal is any more relevant than the other p0rtals.
This is the operation to sustain Openbook. In the interests of making it really difficult to squelch, or censor, or co-opt in any way, #keepthep0rtalsopen is a hashtag that can be used to announce the opening of any new p0rtals. This way as fast as they are corrupted, or removed, new ones will spring up in their place, always evolving, always changing. Like a game of whack-a-mole that the illuminati could never win.
Prompts people to release an extremely candid Anonymous Autobiography. Inspired by Spencer Cartwright's video --------------"The Lie We Live".
All my projects are done in the spirit of distribution.
"Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by
deserting their ideals."
The Internet has always been a place where people can speak without identity (Anonymously). A place where anyone can join a chatroom or forum and speak as equals. Where no one can be judged for their age or nationality. Where no one is judged for who they are, only for what they say and do.
It was in this environment people connected anonymously to release all of the world's secrets. Everything from anonymously sharing their personal secrets in chatrooms to disclosing classified documents. The world began waking up. It was in this environment that the biggest meme in the world was born: Anonymous.
Anonymous fearlessly speaks the truth without entertaining the egos of it's hosts. It is the observer in all of us that recognizes when we've told a lie, or a half-truth, and will force us to hear the whole truth on repeat in our heads until we find a way to express it. It is the unified voice of the human collective, beyond identity, channeling through all of us, speaking for all of us, and saying all those things we could never bring ourselves to say in person. And while Anonymous urges everyone to research for themselves and keep a discerning eye when it comes to facts and evidence, Anonymous also tends to have the gift of prose for revealing those truths which are found to be self-evident.
Thanks to this universal veil of anonymity the Internet has united us under since it's inception, the Internet has become our confession booth, and our guru. If you know where to look, and how to search, the Internet can answer every question and heal every trauma. You can find community that accepts you as you are. You can confess your deepest darkest secrets and get sincere advice and feedback. The true underpinnings of our social reality are becoming revealed to us. And even as the rise of advertising, surveillance, and self-interest infested the Internet, this enlightened perspective, this dissasociated big-picture-perspective of all of humanity, all of our greatest feats, all of our greatest faults, and how it's all connected, has remained pervasive. It is the culture seeded deep in the cracks and crevices in every corner of the Internet. The culture that was curious and daring enough to create the Internet to begin with. The same culture that has circulated the beautiful prose of the Hacker's Manifesto around the Internet since 1986, just as it has just circled back around to you.
The genius, and insanity, of Anonymous is that anyone can fly the banner for anything. And yet that is what has made it such a unifying force. It is perhaps the logical conclusion of democracy itself, and maybe even a solution to the divisive nature of groupthink. It evolves over time, and right now is perhaps most widely known through it's YouTube videos. These days a simple transcript read by a synthesized voice and set to background music and stock footage is enough for anyone to prepare a speech to the whole world, tapping into a worldwide conversation about how to unite humanity by freeing ourselves from our own collective ignorance.
Anonymous is a wellspring of inspiration encouraging us all to rise up against our old ways, and a steady supply of the most up-to-date tools and instructions needed to actually do it. And it's just going to keep spouting love and truth until everyone shares in One universal understanding of what it means to live as One. One by One the entire planet will be pulled into this spectacular adventure. No one is going to miss this boat. It is our natural evolution, our calling as a species as we come to terms with revelations about NSA surveillance, groupthink, and how it all ultimately amounts to North Korea style mind control to keep our wasteful consumption increasing even if it means that Earth, our only home, becomes slowly uninhabitable in the process.
We are only innocent as long as we are ignorant, but once we know, we're forced to make a decision.
Like the whos of whoville, everyone must make their voice heard. We are all being called upon to cocreate the new age. So I want to quickly describe how you, too, can become a more active participant in the digital hive mind. The more the merrier! And remember, you shouldn't be doing any of this out of fear or hatred. Because if you are, you should prioritize just meditating until you get your head on straight, because you're not going to be making any smart decisions for the greater good of humanity from that headspace, anyways. We do what we do because we love all of humanity. And we do it for the lulz! We hope you do, too! ; }-
First, to understand the magic behind Anonymous, you have to understand how it works. It is not just a single group or person who calls itself Anonymous. It is not a single youtube channel, website, or IRC channel. Anonymous is a name, a banner, an idea that can be vocalized or symbolized in endless ways. It's reach is as far as the farthest reaching human mind, if not further. It can take on any variety of forms, and inhabit any corner of the Internet, any chatroom, any social media platform. In it's current form, one of it's most vital viral vessels is the hashtag.
With the advent of hashtags, information can now be tagged and categorized in a uniform method across the entire Internet. So think of hashtags like TV channels, except you can participate in them, they overlap and interact with each other, they mutate and multiply, they get entangled and split apart, and they take place across the entire Internet without recognizing any division or separation between them or the websites that host them. This is apparently a much more accurate way of categorizing things because it has built into it the realistic recognition that the categories will overlap, be misused, change over time, and eventually be forgotten. Much as Anonymous is a much more honest way of spreading information than any person or group of people could ever be because it has built into it the realistic recognition that no source of information can really be trusted since groups of people overlap and interact with each other, people become misguided, people change over time, and eventually die or become compromised. Both Anonymous and hashtags work NOT because they are carefully controlled and well-maintained, but quite the opposite. They work so well because they know no boundaries, welcoming everyone to the conversation and letting go of trying to control the outcome. So you can see why Anonymous and hashtags go hand in hand.
Anonymous is just an idea, a mind virus that has taken root in the Internet to spread and infekt us all one by one.
Anonymous is just a certain understanding, and a banner that can be used to find the others with that same understanding.
The Hashtag is just the vessel we use to spread our ideas, operations, and manifestations.
The Hashtag is our fairy dust.
In some ways Anonymous is actually bringing order to the chaos. But it is an organic, chaotic, self-organizing kind of order rather than the useless pecking-order our monkey brains are used to. In a sea of hashtags of every kind for any reason, Anonymous has come up with a sort of naming convention that can put hashtags to use efficiently and effectively to mobilize real operations. The two basic hashtags we're covering are ops, and secs.
The key component is the operations, or "ops". Anonymous Ops are unique in that they are public, and everyone is invited to join them. Well, any secret hacker operation can be signed by "Anonymous", but the hashtag operations are usually the meta-operations that inspire waves of such smaller acts. They are often more of an invitation to a certain course of action, like #opWakeTheMasses that encourages everyone to take part in spreading Anonymous videos, graffiti, and other forms of media to spread the truth about what's really going on 'round here. Then there are the more technical operations like #opPayback which started by calling all hackers to retaliate against a certain anti-piracy target before snowballing into a wave of attacks on major pro-copyright and anti-piracy organizations, law firms, and individuals, and eventually the defacement of online banking websites including PayPal in retaliation for cutting off donations to WikiLeaks. Then, once the attacks on Scientology grew spontaneously from a hacking operation into a real world protest, Anonymous started calling for other irl operations. Such as #opBART which called for people to flash-mob BART in protest of the murder of Oscar Grant, and where we made the landmark discovery that the government can and will shut down cell towers to prevent protesters from communicating with each other or the outside world.
But perhaps one of the biggest irl operations to grow out of Anonymous is Occupy. Few people know that Anonymous called for Occupy long before Occupy actually got going. Anons hopped trains all the way across the country months before "September 17th" to go to Occupy Wall Street only to find almost no one showed up (true story). But after a long online propaganda campaign called "The Plan" pushed Anonymous to take to the streets to reboot society, the second announcement for Occupy was published in Ad Busters quite elegantly inviting everyone to "bring tent". Hundreds of people showed up to Occupy Wall Street, and many other Occupy camps sprouted up without notice simultaneously in major cities across the USA, many swelling to hundreds over time, with more camps and meetings around similar issues sprouting up in big and small towns everywhere. In solidarity with the people of Greece, Spain, Egypt, Tunisia, and the rest of the world, camps appeared everywhere and the world rose up as one. It became Occupy The World. Those who didn't understand what we wanted simply haven't come to comprehend our next stage of our evolution, yet. They are the late bloomers, failing to grasp why we Occupy because they fail to grasp Anonymous. What was advertised on the surface to be a worldwide protest against a corrupt and broken banking and political system was behind the curtain a conspiracy so lulzworthy, it sought nothing more than to birth Anonymous Consciousness into the flesh, by infekting the minds of large crowds of people, just to see what would happen.
United as one, Divided by zero: SyST3M 3RR0R. On September 17th, 2011, the Internet gave birth to Anonymous' bastard child, Occupy, so that Anonymous could come to Earth in imperfect physical human form, warn us that we must change our ways before it's too late, and then get killed by our sins. But having been created in the perfect image of Anonymous, Occupy can never be killed, for it is an immortal headless leviathan. On September 17th, a portal was opened that can never be shut. Great lulz ensued. Ever since, we've only been spreading out, occupying more spaces, and securing more resources for the swarm. We grow stronger every day, taking root in more minds, and possessing more bodies. We express ourselves through our physical human hosts with increasing clarity. We are manifesting a new reality.
Hopefully this shows just how powerful an Anonymous Operation can be. And that they can go far beyond the scope of hacking computers. We're hacking reality, now. And the most amazing thing about these operations is that anyone can create one! Even you! Whether it catches on is just a matter of how many other people see your idea, and how many of them like it enough to act on it or at least repost the operation for others to see. And all of this is amplified, of course, by your own persistence.
And then Anonymous said "let there be Secs". Anonymous occasionally has the rise of different secs, such as #LulzSec, #eTHErSEC, and #pirateSec. Secs might stand for more than one thing, but is commonly thought of as meaning "Security", such as a team of security experts (a.k.a. hackers). To the untrained eye, these secs appear to be separate factions within Anonymous. But, because Anonymous is united as one, and divided by zero, this is not the case. Although secs will often refer to themselves as if they are a group of people, the "group" is amorphous, undefined, with people coming and going over time. So think of Anonymous secs like groups of people you interact with, or within, except you can't really BE A PART of one of them, because that would imply you could be APART from any of them. They overlap and interact with each other, they mutate and multiply, they get entangled and split apart, and they take place across the entire Internet without recognizing any division or separation between them or the websites and chatrooms that host them. Because secs, like ops, are just hashtags.
And of course there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, #leakitall is essentially a hashtag representing an Anonymous operation that doesn't start with "#op". And the Anonymous Intelligence Agency is essentially a sec that doesn't call itself a sec. But using these naming conventions is a good way to catch the eye of other anons, and hopefully gain some temporary allies for any altruistic mission. You can also call more attention to your secs or operations by posting often, and by including hashtags for similar things so that people watching other more well-known hashtags can be clued in to your operation. And remember, everything has become advertising and propaganda these days, so it has to be catchy. Maybe a catchy tag line with a double meaning, or a really awesome Anonymous-inspired logo for the operation will help stir up interest.
"This dragnet surveillance violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, which protects citizens' right to speak and associate anonymously, guard against unreasonable searches and seizures, and protect their right to privacy."